Silver Ghost through series 1700
i.e. 'Wire markers' for Pre-WWII R-R/B Automobiles

Wire marker part numbers for Ghost through series 1700:

  U2195 - Terminal insulator, 1 1/4" long, knurled with male thread at end. These sit atop the flat surface of the distributor cap (Terminal Plate), E1442, style Gc.

  U2196 - Terminal insulator cap, 1" long, knurled with numbers 1-6 or the letter 'C' on the side. These screw on top of the U2195/U2198 and accept the ignition wires, style Gd.

  U2198 - Terminal insulator, 1 5/16" long, knurled with larger diameter collar at the bottom. These sit atop the flat surface of the distributor cap (Terminal Plate), E1442, but were used only under for the coil wire. We lack a sample of this item to reproduce. If anyone has one and are willing to assist the cause, please contact us. Our future style Ge.

  S475 - Battery terminal insulator, 7/8" long with numbers on the side, used at spark plugs. A threaded sleeve over the end of the spark plug wire, style Ga.

  S475a - Magneto terminal insulator, 15/16" long with 1 to 6 stripes around circumference, used at spark plugs. A threaded sleeve over the end of the spark plug wire, style Gb.

  ??? - We find no part number or drawing for the insulators at the magneto connections, style Gf.

There are no plans to reproduce the following which were mated to the spark plug markers.
  c43 - Terminal, 1 1/2" long, open hook with male threaded end.

Information on Ghost wire markers is difficult to come by. The drawing CD provides no GA or LOP 'Wire Fitting' information and we at SunsetRolls have little personal knowledge about these early cars. All that we have are a few numbers from the parts books and our observations of cars at various annual meets. We need your help to sort these out. We even lack page images from the following books but welcome anyone to provide us with a scan of the High Tension Distributor information from each. The numbers, 1 through 4, are those assigned to these books in the Hunt House archives.

Book #1 (no date) for 40/50 chassis numbered 700-799, 900-1015 and with a few exceptions chassis 539 to 599, pages 64 and 65.

Book #2, issued 1912 (reprinted 1999 by the RREC) for chassis series 1100, 1200 and 1300, pages 96-98.

Book #3, issued 1913 for chassis series 1400, 1500 and 1600, pages 97-98.

Book #4, issued August 1914 for chassis series 1700 to 2600 inclusive, pages 108-109.

All 4 of these books call for the same marker part numbers through series 1700. Our interpretation of these numbers is given in the parts number summary at the top of this page. Each of the above R-R part numbers to which we have assigned our style types Ga, Gb, Gd & Gf are a generalized part number for a set of 6 individual marker parts with different numbers, letters and/or stripes on them. We find no part number for markers at the magneto connection terminals. We feel these would have carried stripes but they may have been a part of the magneto and not had their own R-R part number. This could explain our not finding a number for them.

We also found another part number drawing, T2701, dated 9.6.10. This is a blind terminal sleeve, 1 1/2" x 9/16" Ebonite, with 1/4" diameter numbers, 1-6, located 7/16" from one end. We do not know for what, or where this part might have been used. If one turns up, it will be our style Gg.
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