Silver Ghost, series R-U
i.e. 'Wire markers' for Pre-WWII R-R/B Automobiles
Ghost series R-U marker usage per the parts manual:

  E51070, Bush, Numbered, for ignition wires, 1 ea, on the coil wire (distributor end), style Z.

  E51071-6, Bush, Numbered, for ignition wires, 1 ea, at the distributor, style P.

  E17793-8, Bush, Numbered, for ignition wires, 3 ea, at both spark plugs and the magneto connections, style Gp.

There are no plans to reproduce the following which were on the spark plug ends of each wire.
  E18449, Chater Lea terminals are specified.

Information on Ghost wire markers is generally difficult to come by. The above data came from the Ghost parts book #7. These are the first series for which drawings are available for all of the markers specified in the parts book. These are also the first series of Ghosts to use the style P markers whose smaller size, (0.400" x 0.400"), is to become the standard for all future markers / sleeves. A coil wire marker is called for as one of the 7 part numbers 'Bush, Numbered, for ignition wires', E51070. Since we have its engineering drawing we know that this marker carries the number zero instead of the earlier letter 'C'. Although E51070 is actually a zero numbered style P, we assigned it a unique style letter, Z, since the style Z is used much less often on later cars than the numbers 1-6 of style P.

We are not told specifically where the 3 sets of style Gp are used. But since the first of the 7-pc series, E51070-6, is the coil wire marker and all other precedent was to place the 7-pc marker set on the distributor, we are certain that the style P goes on the distributor and the other 3 sets of style Gp are at each spark plug as well as at the magneto connections.

This is the first series to specify use of the Chater Lea terminals at the spark plugs. This same Chater Lea part number was specified for several other 1920s R-R models as well. All earlier Ghosts had called out various R-R specific part numbers for these terminals.
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